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Top 4 Tell-Tale Signs the Brakes on Your Car Need Checking

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Without brakes, you wouldn't be able to slow or stop your car while driving. Over time, however, your car braking system may begin to fail due to normal wear and tear of constituent parts, making slowing and halting harder. When this happens, there will be an urgent need to have your brakes checked by a qualified mechanic so as to identify the cause of the problem. If you notice any of the following signs while applying the brakes, it is likely that you nee brake repairs:

Brake pads are visibly worn out.

One of the most important components of your car's braking system is the brake pads. Brake pads clamp down onto brake rotors to decelerate or halt the vehicle. Brake rotors are those flat, round, shiny metal discs that rotate with your car wheels. As the brake pads apply pressure onto the rotors, friction is generated. This friction is what slows or stops the car, but also causes brake pads to wear down quickly.

You can check if you need new brake pads by looking just behind the wheels of your car. The exterior face of the brake pad is conspicuous as the pads press against the rotors. Follow your car manufacturer's instructions to determine whether your brake pads still have service life left or they are too thin and need to be replaced.

Brakes become noisy.

Another common warning sign that your brakes need to be urgently checked is when they make unusual sounds when applied. The squeaking or grinding noises within the braking system is enough alert that things can go haywire anytime if the problem is left unattended. 

Brake pedal travels all the way to the floor.

Usually, when you are applying the brakes, you should be able to slow or stop the vehicle with the slightest push on the brake pedal. However, your pedals may start to feel mushy over time, causing them to all the way to the floor. Take your car to a mechanic for brake system servicing if you encounter this issue.

Brake light or ABS light on your dash come on.

Last but not least, don't disregard the brake light or ABS light on your dashboard. If these lights come on, they are warning you that something is wrong with your braking system. Ignoring these lights could prove to be detrimental to your safety and that of others on the road.

It is imperative to have a well-functioning car braking system all the time. Take your car to an auto service shop if you are confronted with any of these brake issues.
